Insane drawing
Insane drawing (ru)
Reverse Perspective
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Old Black & White Photo
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(C) Copyright  Igor Ivashchenko 1989 -2000


1. Why is " unscientific" and "againe".
2. Perspective in painting and photography.
3. Search Reverse Perspective in optics .
4. Reverse Perspective in optics and use its in practice .
5. Technical  difficulty of use Reverse Perspective .
6.    Rider .
7.    Links .


1. Why is "unscientific" and "againe".

    "Unscientific" is because reverse and parallel perspective is scienctific same too as linear perspective. Soviet academic B.V.Raushenbach developed total theory of perspective in 70-80's years XX centures.

    Before it linear perspective was admited as right, any other perspective were being look up as wrong. Liner perspective is method of image from 3D space to 2D plane. If this type perspective apply one thing will be bigger than same too but situated far and parallel lines will intersect to horizont. Theory of linear perspective was developed in epoch of Revival. This theory is based on simply optic principle and is prove out by practice very well.
Reflection 3D-space to plane into camera-obscura via a small aperture (stinop) at first and via lens after is submited by linear perspective wholly.

Compositions of image for these optic system are good known from school course of physics. If you didn't see it in school-book you can remeber them looking at  drw. 1 и 2.

Drw. 1

  Composition image via stinop

Drw. 2

Compsition image via lens

    Human eye is camera-obscure with simply single crystlline lens objective  and so linear perspective is merely true.  And so painters have been taught only linear perspective many centuries. While people haven't flown to space and began docking on orbit...
   B. Raushenbach was of opinion that image in retina wasn't final result. Eye is only sensor. True image is created by brain through transformation data from two eyes. Soviet academic composed differential equation of brain work and found very interesting deduction.

     Every perspective is true and scientific because it have strict mathematical delineation. They are mathematical equivalent.

    It is all . It is all good and well but we have one trouble Reversel Perspective is as complex number only in math and imagination . It can't be fixed in really without transfomation in brain.

2.Perspective in painting and photography

  Now than painters have a privilege over photopainters because they can select type perspective. Painter can image space in any perspective depending his tasks – the parallell perspective (perspective geometry)as in antiquity, reverse perspective as in the Dark Ages time or liner. Photopainters have only linear perspective for ages and can change only coefficient of linear changing focus distant of objective lens but perspective will be linear anyway.

    It is eternal problem. The nose of man in any photo larger reality because it closer to lens. Portait objective lens can decrease this distortions but cannot remove their. Knees of sitting
people in the photo have size of their head.
    Your brain needs make reversal convertations when you look at such photo. Naturally perception is breaking. Photos of Russia antiquity or perspective geometry style can’t be made. All book about photocomposition lean linear perspective. If anyone photographer tried escaping linear perspective he should do a photomontage.

It’s a great sorrow. The endless discussion about immaculacy The Photo as Art determined in Painter favour. Do your like this determination ?

3. Search Reverse Perspective in optics .
    I as a many others applied to photo in eightieth years as a many others. There weren't minilab then . The process of print was creative and not mechanical as in nowdays. Photo was art for everybody ... I think we'll stop this talk.
    Then in "Science and Life" (USSR magazine) printed  article about reverse and parallel perspective. There were a lot of other publication about medieval ancient russian paint. The reverse perspective had been main than and it was right. It suited to tasks of painter. The Center of the world was into painter and viewer. The parallel lines come into spectator. More outlying object was bigger more closer object. But if photopainter have this task he won't be able solve it correctly. The Paint won Photo. It was early...
  One time I saw a TV programm from studio and noticed that a head of man from second row was bigger a head man from first row. It wasn't a Big Head. Its realy size was same too as other.
    What it was? Was it imagination from importunity idea? No, it wasn't. I made many observations. This effect was rarely but it has repeated. Then the Reverse Perspective isn't only a result of brain work and it isn't only math abstraction. It is in reality. It emerges in some model of TV objective.
    Then it should be able found math description and after we could use it in our practice.
How should it be able find?
    In that time I had other fortuity. I found a flat collective lenz. It was a rectangular piece of plastic with concentric notchs for old TV set. It had a large size and a little weight.
    I found effect the Reverse Perspective using that lenz for photo shoot. It was mean this type of perspective could be realised in simply two lenz sheme.
So it is simply  see drw N3 .

4.Reverse Perspective in optics and use its in practice.
    Building of images from two objects with long AB are showed in drw N3 .  More far object have a larger size. This Building executed with usual optic laws and proved out practice whole.

Drw N3

Reception of Reverse Perspective.

    I don't describe the building because it is very simple and any school boy can made it himself. Why hasn't anybody made it early ? I have other question for it. Why haven't laws of linear perspective be made until Renaissance Epoc though they seems understanding for child.
Anyhow I tell you this building has been made by me in 1989 year and I have shoted a photo with Reverse Perspective.
       This story show we need provide next requisitions for Reverse Perspective:

    A1O1 < ( O1O * F1 ) / ( O1O - F1 ) and
    OO1 - F1 < Fo   ,

  where  A1O1 - distant from object to collective lenz
         O1O  - distant from collective lenz to objective
         F1   - focus distant collective lenz
         Fo   - focus distant objective
   If you use standart camera you need also provide

         A1O1 < F1 .

   I can send you formulas for tuning range-finder or scale photocameras through e-mail.

   The Parallel Perspective is such perspective where parallel lines is imaged as parallel lines and two thing same size but disposing on different distant from camera is imaged same sized. This perspective is realised same simple. Optic building is in  на рис. 4 .

Drw. 4

The Parallel Perspective

    This is all. The Reverse Perspective and Parallel Perspective are scientific and exist. Ancient painter were in the right. They looked at the world and at things through a huge lens and scrutinized their. Their painting have got depth , closeness and  revelation in one time.
Their painting have got a spirit of the Creator where he looks at his World and a viwer looks at this paint via the Creator eyes. This World is unique because it have a border and this border is the Infinity! The Reverse perspective can't display The Infinity. The parallel lines in this system are disvaricating. We can't catch sight of thing whole if we retire from it. We can see only part of it after only structure of surface after only corpucules of substance and so on. But I think this theme more suit for philosophers.( P.A.Florensky Near Watershed thought III. The Reverse Perspective ).

    The collective lenz must be a larger viwer objects and its focus distant must be larger distant for border viwer space. The ancient painter didn't have such huge lenz and their brains made these transformations as it decribed the perspective theory of Raushenbach . These transformations are like as transformations in modern digital cameras. The image from lenz is digited  at first then transformed and added effects (zoom, stabilization,solarisation etc) and after saved or printed.

foto 1

5. Technical  difficulty of use Reverse Perspective .
5.1    The main difficult is a size of collective lenz and its focus distant. The flat lenz has a little weight but gives not enough precision and it has a radial gleam from shining things. The glass lenz has a huge weight and low fidelity. May be in the future we can use holography images from lenz instead real.

5.2    Focus distant of collective lenz must be larger than distant to image space border but distant from collective lenz to objective must be larger his focus distant.

5.3    If outside light gets between lenz and objective contrast declines.

5.4    The standarts camera has distant from objective to film less focus distant of objective and only a small lenth can be used for reverse perspective. It is painted in  drw. 3.

5.5    The objective must be strong diaphragm for things on different distance.

6. Rider .
    The Reverse Perspective exists not only as math abstraction or product of brain work but in reality too and can be used in photo , cinema , TV etc.
    I have said all that I wanted. You can sand me letter. My email is

Foto 2

Foto 3

Foto 4

7. Links
P.A.Florensky Near Watershed thought III. The Reverse Perspective
Raushenbach B.V. The Bias . How do we see today
Harmony and Algebra
Copeycin Cirill  Quantum front of the world
Icon and  coenobite
The Easter thoughts The Crucify God

(C) Copyright  Igor Ivashchenko 1989 -2000

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